Generating unique running experiences in real-time by using and deconstructing data sets of city photographs, graphics & typographic elements.
An interactive in-store running installation through the streets of London & Beijing.
FIELD.IO designed and implemented a dynamic generative system to create an entirely new type of running experience for retail. In store, visitors are invited to step on a treadmill which is connected to the visual display. Body tracking sensors capture direction and speed, whilst adidas in-house system, Run Genie, captures additional measurements.
Whilst running, custom photo datasets, type, graphics and procedural elements are all used to create new visions to the city in real-time.
The runner’s path leads through famous landmarks, calm and quiet parks with colourful flowers, as well as through the vibrant streets of the lively boroughs. In London, the journey shifts from Hackney, to St. Pauls via Brixton. In Beijing, from the grandeur of the Forbidden City to the street scenes of the Imperial Academy & Wudaoying.
The custom developed software creates abstracted versions of real world locations and to fill them with life by defining ranges of photographs as textures.
The generative system is adaptable, scalable and can be fed with photo datasets from different cities & locations.
To capture the vibrant mood of a run through the city a vast data-set of photographs was created.
Commissioned by
Executive Creative Direction
Marcus Wendt
Alice Shaughnessy
3D Design
Julien Bauzin
3D Design
Nico Le Dren
3D Design
Margot Hofmans
Julien Bauzin
Nico Le Dren
Creative Director
Paul Brenner
Stefanie Greimel
Technical Director
Claus Helfenschneider
3D Design
Louise Silfversparre
Sound Design
Kling Klang Klong
3D Design
Anton Bohlin
3D Design
John Lee Siebert
WIN Marketing